Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Write directions:

1. From the airport to the hardware store.

2. From the park to the hospital.

3. From the drugstore to the university.


Anonymous said...

1- go straiqht. turn riqht to the maple street turn riqht.go three blocks to the elm street.the hardware store is between druq store and the bellview hotel.
2- go straiqht to the maple street.turn riqht to the grand avenue.the hospitis is across from pet shop.
3- go straiqht to the elm street.turn left go one block.turn riqht to the maple street.go one block.the university is next to the qas station.

Anonymous said...

1- the alrport go grand avenue turn right the hardware store .
2- the park go maple street turn rigt the hospital .
3- the drugstore go elm street turn left go brlghton boulevard to the university .

Anonymous said...

airport go one block turn right go straight one block tha dware store on the elm street

park cross the steet one block turn eight go one block siteet grand avenue the hospital next to fire station drugstore turn left go steaight oneblock turn left go straight one block university across from the zoo

Anonymous said...

1 fron the airport to the hardware store the go twobloks the elmstreet fromthepark to the hospital the gotwobloks maple street grand avenue fron the dugtore to the onversity estreet grand avenue

Anonymous said...

Go straight grand Avenue street go two blocks turn right cross the Eln Street and Grand Avenue on the corner of drugstor next to hardware store
GO straight Maple Street go one block cross the street Grand Avenue on the corner of hospital. Go straight one block Eln Street turnraight Brighton Boulevard street on the corner of gas station next to university .